----Learning to Rethink Food----
The Journey of a Cook to a Chef

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Chicken Fried Steak

Last night I realized something while putting together what I would consider a traditional Midwestern dinner, that chicken fried steak might not be as familiar to as many people as I think. So I have decided to become more diverse in my postings; attempting new renditions on childhood favorites, include discussions of success and failure in the kitchen, and bringing to light more of my culinary influences. I have always believed that the art of cooking is developed throughout our life by experiences and exposure to food.

I was extremely happy how this meal came out. The chicken fried steak coating is seasoned with a mixture of three peppers; fresh cracked black pepper, cayenne, and red pepper flake. It rests on top of a bed of sautéed turnip greens, and is topped with parsnip and potato puree. The sauce was based on a bourguignonne seasoned with onion, shallot, red wine, with the addition of espagnole (classic mother sauce). This was made by quickly sautéing the aromatics, deglazing with wine, and reducing. The reduction is then added to a beef stock thickened with a dark roux. The sauce was strained, seasoned, and finished with a little butter. The flavor combinations for this dish really worked well for me. The parsnip puree gave a creamy burst of flavor immediately on my pallet, followed by savory meat and crunchy breading with the slightest heat on the back of the tongue. This along with the sautéed turnip greens tossed with balsamic vinegar finished it all off with just the right amount of acidity. What can I say about the sauce, it was good on everything.

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