----Learning to Rethink Food----
The Journey of a Cook to a Chef

Friday, January 29, 2010

No More Crackers in a Box

Let me start of by saying I'm tired of buying crackers. I feel cheated every time I open up a new box to find it disturbingly empty. The nutritional label is usually not that reassuring either, loaded with sodium and some with added fats that I would prefer to avoid. After seeing Alton Brown in a recent episode Flat is Beautiful: Going Crackers, my girlfriend and I decided to try out the Seedy Crisps. They were really easy to prepare and had a great toasted nutty flavor. I like the idea of using more whole wheat flour and healthier oils, like olive oil, with less saturated fat in my diet. The flour was measured using a kitchen scale, but the dough came out quite moist. A surprising amount of additional flour was added during kneading. The crackers didn’t seem to be affected. We cut the crackers in a few different patterns to test its affect on cooking. The shape that I liked most was the diamond, easy to cut with an attractive finished shape. Making crackers is another great use for the pasta attachment on the Kitchen-Aid mixer.
This recipe can be found at; http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/alton-brown/seedy-crisps-recipe/index.html
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