----Learning to Rethink Food----
The Journey of a Cook to a Chef

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Spanish Romesco Chicken

This is an entirely new sauce for my arsenal of flavor, Spanish Romesco. Made from a blend of roasted red peppers, almonds, hazelnuts, garlic, fresh parsley, paprika, chili powder, sherry vinegar, and olive oil, this sauce has an intense depth of savory flavors. Combined with chicken, its willing canvas, makes a flavorful and crispy crust that turns golden brown and delicious with ease. The sides were paired with equally intense flavors. The broccoli, currently available for only 99 cents for a couple large bunches, was par cooked then sautéed with a roasted poblano chile, garlic, and onion. The starch is an herb and garlic mashed potato finished with cold butter chips. Overall this whole dish worked together, although the chicken was a little much for a single portion in our house. With a little Spanish Romesco left, I plan to find out what other delicious combination I can make.

Spanish Romesco Sauce

3 red bell peppers, medium
2 oz almonds
2 oz hazelnuts
3 garlic cloves
1 T fresh Italian parsley
1 t paprika
1/2 t chili powder
4 oz sherry vinegar
6 oz EV olive oil
tt. salt and pepper

Roast the red peppers over an open flame or broiler. Rest them for 5 to 10 minutes in a tightly sealed container. Peel, seed, and course chop. Toast the nuts with a dry saute. Cool them and grind them in a food processor or blender. To the work bowl add all ingredients except the vinegar and oil. Grind until incorporated. Add vinegar. Then, with the processor or blender running, pour a steady stream of oil into the work bowl to create the emulsion. Apply this sauce liberally to the chicken creating a continuous layer. Bake at 350 degrees. These large bone in breasts took about 40 minutes to cook.


  1. That Romesco sounds good. I've never thought of hazelnut as something to use in a dish. My only experience with it is as a flavored latte.

  2. I will post a more detailed recipe with some quantity recommendations.
