----Learning to Rethink Food----
The Journey of a Cook to a Chef

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Smore Reconstructed

This dessert came to me after a request for something chocolate. Due to the lack of such snacks in the house, I foraged through the kitchen for ideas. I found two squares of bakers' semi-sweet chocolate and graham crackers. Sounded like a start. I made a simple graham cracker crust with a little butter and sugar in the food processor. I pressed this mixture into four ramekins and baked them for just a few minutes while I prepared a chocolate custard filling. This consisted of a couple egg yolks, sugar, cream, pinch of salt, and the bakers' chocolate. The whites were whipped with a little powdered sugar and vanilla extract until they reached stiff peaks. I filled the ramekins with the custard and topped them with meringue before baking one last time at about 400 degrees. Somewhat unintentionally they came out tasting like a smore with the toasted fluffy meringue, warm chocolate center, and crunch graham cracker crust. Not too bad for a 30 minute dessert.

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